Goodbye r/food, r/foodporn and yes you r/shittyfoodporn

I'm only one week into my journey and lost 5 pounds. I honestly am so excited to finally be started and committed to losing weight. Weight hasn't always been a huge problem for me. I've always had a couple extra pounds up until I started college and my poor habits cost me big time. Moving out at 18, surviving undergrad via stress eating, partying and eating out multiple times a week destroyed my body gradually over 8 years. I pretty much gained the freshment 15 every year since I started college ultimately meaning I went from 200ish pounds to 310 that I weighed in at last week.

I found school to be challenging but my determination made it a success for me. I have no idea where the determination and work ethic came from for school, but I knew that if I applied it to weight loss then success would be guaranteed.

I feel that determination now. I've been walking for an hour a day with light jogging mixed in. About to start the couch to 5k program. I've started meal planning and counting calories, currently allowing myself about 1800 per day.

I feel unbelievable despite it only being a week. I've been so caught up in my past and the mistakes I made in college that I couldn't even consider my future. Now I can't wait. I can't wait to lose enough weight to wakeboard this summer, not sweat so much and have a more active social life. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but there is no way I'm going back to feeling hopeless/lifeless like I was before.

Goodbye delicious and tempting food subreddits. I will greet you again when I am 100 pounds lighter. But in moderation this time :)

submitted by /u/AsCoolAsSlicedBread
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Goodbye r/food, r/foodporn and yes you r/shittyfoodporn Goodbye r/food, r/foodporn and yes you r/shittyfoodporn Reviewed by Health And Fitness on January 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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