10 thoughts and tips on weight loss I have learned. 283lbs > 185lbs

I have been thinking a lot about my progress as I often do. I like reflecting on what I have achieved, learned, and continuing my progress. I’ve compiled a list of things that I feel are very important. I love this community and fitness subreddits in general and I’ve learned a lot from them, so I just wanted to give advice back especially during the hardest time of the year for weight management.

  1. It is okay to say “No thank you.” You can just leave it at that. It was way too often that I had to argue and explain myself to people that I did not want to drink anymore. I didn’t want to go out to eat. I didn’t want to get some ice cream for dessert. I didn’t want a slice of pie after Christmas dinner. Stand your ground.

  2. Long term results speak volumes compared to short term weight gain. I would beat myself up because I gained a few pounds. “I was just 200lbs! Why am I 208 again?” It’s so easy to think small when the reality is that I lost 80lbs at the time. The thoughts right now don’t take in to account the larger accomplishments you have made.

  3. You might lose “friends”. I lost a few people that I considered friends, but in reality they were just people that would drink and smoke pot with me. I since have gained people who have the same mindset as me and are actually proud of my accomplishments.

  4. Your diet is your own. No one knows (other than a certified nutritionist) what is good for you. When I started intermittent fasting while eating 1600 calories a day, so many people would tell me that I was starving myself. No. I felt fine. When I started protein/creatine supplements a lot of people started tell me how terrible supplements are and have no benefit. They helped me a lot.

  5. Log everything you are eating. From bites to meals. You start understanding what it means to feel satisfied and not engorged.

  6. The feeling of hunger is there to tell you WHEN you should eat, not HOW MUCH.

  7. Exercise comes after proper diet. It is extremely important to exercise still but you can not work off the fast food you ate with 30 mins of jogging or weight lifting.

  8. Body positivity is great when you feel great about your accomplishments but it is not great when you use it as an excuse for poor nutrition. Labeling yourself as body positive after torturing your body with a 2500 calorie sugary dessert rush is doing nothing for the cause.

  9. The sweat, frustration, tears, and hopelessness when you start losing it is all worth it in the end. You WILL feel better. Your body WILL thank you.

  10. People do treat you with more respect and decency when you are at a proper weight. It is sad that people treat fit people better sometimes, but it is the truth whole-heartedly. It feels so good to see the people that treated you poorly after the weight loss. Some of them won’t speak to me anymore when I see them. Good.

Anyways, please see my post history for my weight loss pictures if that gives you motive. It really kept me going seeing other people losing weight. Keep losing it! You all were and still are my inspiration!

submitted by /u/HotGoss
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10 thoughts and tips on weight loss I have learned. 283lbs > 185lbs 10 thoughts and tips on weight loss I have learned. 283lbs > 185lbs Reviewed by Health And Fitness on December 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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