Chronic Pain Patient: Cutting 10 - 15lbs, FAST

Hey all, 25-year-old 6"1 male here. (weighing in at 170lbs), I'm trying to cut 10 to 15 pounds, FAST. any advice?

I suffer from chronic pain and inflammation issues (i.e. Fibromyalgia and Ankylosing Spondylitis) so I'm rather limited in my ability to do prolonged cardio. However, I try, albeit infrequently, to do push-ups (~20 at most, per day).

Beyond doing daily push-ups, how can I cut this weight (particularly in and around my pecs) ASAP.

Is anyone familiar with diet/fasting regimens that WORK? I've had mild success at fasting for 24hr periods, however, I was hoping for a better way to cut this weight, healthily, without essentially starving myself? Please please please help me guys, I'm suffering out here. :(

submitted by /u/1Oligodendrocyte
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Chronic Pain Patient: Cutting 10 - 15lbs, FAST Chronic Pain Patient: Cutting 10 - 15lbs, FAST Reviewed by Health And Fitness on December 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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