Guilt over shrinking out of clothes?

How do you get over the guilt of not getting your money’s worth from the clothes you’re shrinking out of?

This fall, I started a job where I had to look nice twice a week. I spent $200 on 4 pants and 6 shirts to get me through the winter with enough variety that people didn’t wonder. I didn’t expect I’d be able to lose weight as well as I have. (Who’d have guessed that 15 pounds could make such a big difference to someone who’s only 5-feet tall?!) Now those new shirts are baggy and the pants are belted to the point of ridiculousness. Yet I still haven’t pulled my smaller clothes out from storage or purchased any new clothes because I haven’t worn these clothes enough. They have been worn fewer than 10 times each, and money is tight.

Short of slowing down my weight loss (yes, a stupid idea, but this thought keeps coming back to me), how can I deal with this issue?

submitted by /u/Newberrie
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Guilt over shrinking out of clothes? Guilt over shrinking out of clothes? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on December 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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