While Being a Social Drinker - Don't.

Hey all, I'm here writing this post after 3 weeks of experimentations and careful documentation.

So I have a lot of problems, I use alcohol to help me have a good time when I'm out with friends. I wanted to have the euphoria of losing weight while also being able to enjoy myself drinking. So I decided "Hey, I'm already using MFP, might as well track my calories while drinking".

Problem 1 - Alcohol is a concentrated starch

The language here might be a bit wrong but I have a masters in a science field so i'm comfortable with the general idea. You know people tell you to switch from "bad calories" like pasta, bread and potatoes to "good calories" like vegetables and stuff because you can eat more of them for the same caloric intake...yeah Alcohol is that but on steroids. Imagine instead of eating a potato you have half a shot of vodka, then think about that half a shot not even remotely getting you full NOR even getting you drunk.

Problem 2 - Alcohol is not filling

Eating food will eventually get you to stop eating food because you have satisfied your hunger. If you drink, you will drink calories then also want to eat because you are drunk. It's like eating 4 fake meals and 1 actual meal.

Problem 3 - Getting drunk

If you're a lightweight like me, I think drinking is almost manageable but you have to be very strict and set strong boundaries. For example, I only drink 40% or more alcohol bc anything else I will have to drink exponentially more of to get drunk and it's a waste of my time when I'm on a diet. When I'm drunk I stop drinking. I know exactly how many of each shot I can take before I'm drunk and I don't accept drinks from other people because then my calories become too difficult to account for...

Result: This is way too hard and completely ruins my enjoyment of the evening

Conclusion: Go the night sober or make your "night out" your cheat day or just stop drinking in general. Like seriously it's way too hard to budget BOTH eating and drinking. Do yourself a favour and try to find other ways to enjoy yourself. As much as I love how I feel and the person I am when I'm tipsy to drunk, this diet and the progress I've made is more important and I don't want to torture myself. If your friends cannot support you on this then they are not your friends, I'm being serious. Maybe pick it up again when you've reached your goals or when you can afford the night out, but otherwise it's such a difficult but unnecessary burden.

submitted by /u/Icy-Session-3956
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While Being a Social Drinker - Don't. While Being a Social Drinker - Don't. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 17, 2021 Rating: 5

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