Eating enough to avoid my metabolism slowing?

How can I figure out the sweet spot of what is enough? There's so much conflicting information.

I am 5'8" 200 lbs eat (lost about 10 lbs in the last month as I that is when I started tracking my calories) about 1300 calories during the week, closer to 2000-2500 on occasional weekends with a few beers/glass of wine mixed in to a meal dining out, but other than that I stay pretty consistent on the calories the weekdays.

I walk about 3 miles a day and do 30 minutes of HIIT/Cardio daily (my "activity" on my apple watch is about 900 cals).

Should I be eating more during the week? I don't have a "goal" weight as of now, but am eating what I feel is comfortable while tracking what I consume, eating a lot of veggies, mixing in a protein shake after a workout, avoiding dairy and cutting back on red meat.

submitted by /u/Lostboy500
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Eating enough to avoid my metabolism slowing? Eating enough to avoid my metabolism slowing? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on June 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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