Walking Pad / Treadmill Under Desk - Stories / Advice

Hey guys!

So I got super lucky and one of my neighbors was giving away a zip lift, so now my monitor and my computer and keyboard can lift up to create a standing desk. I just ordered an under desk walking pad/treadmill from Amazon which should get here in a week.

One of the reasons I’m doing this is because even though I’m working out, I am still pretty “sedentary” because of my job. Even after 40 to 50 minutes of working out, I’m barely cracking 4K steps. I’m hoping that by getting this treadmill I can get myself up to 10K steps a day and maybe help myself supercharge my weight loss. (Right now I’m averaging 1b a week close to my period and 2lbs away from it.)

I wanted to know if any of you guys use this, and have tips and tricks of how to use it for weight loss? Thanks! I work about 9 hours a day and most of my day is either conference calls, checking / responding to messages and emails, and Reddit. ;)

submitted by /u/frostysbox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/35dv9rJ
Walking Pad / Treadmill Under Desk - Stories / Advice Walking Pad / Treadmill Under Desk - Stories / Advice Reviewed by Health And Fitness on June 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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