Building a fulfilling diet

I am 30 years old and I eat like crap. I have bad habits when it comes to eating and it is very evident right now.

Growing up I was always active and had a manual labour job in my early 20's. Burning all those calories from sports and work I had to fight to put on any sort of weight. Fast forward to now and the last few years I have a much better job but I am pretty inactive most of the day. I've gotten my shit together in regards to working out. I am physically active 4 to 6 days a week and many of those are moderate to more intense workouts. I even took my annual physical fitness test at work and did very well.

I have lost a little bit of weight and very slowly. I would say about 4-5 lbs in 6 or 7 weeks. Now the scale is not moving, it might even be trending upwards slightly. It is my diet. There is no way I can workout more without burning out and I need help. I need nutrition tips to keep my foods interesting, I need help dealing with the how ravenous I get in the evenings even after eating a well portioned dinner. I feel my mornings and lunches are usually good especially when working but it is a free for all at night.

I don't drink alcohol, I have been eating at restaurants more often than usual lately (time of year) and have reduced the amount of sugar I eat minus a few freezes or a popsicle in the evening when it is hot. What are some tips, or some resources you use to maintain a healthy but interesting diet? I need to know how to be able to cook healthy foods that I can enjoy all the time and turn this into a forever habit.

TLDR; I eat like crap, what are some good habits to keep food healthy and interesting?

submitted by /u/Interesting_Report
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Building a fulfilling diet Building a fulfilling diet Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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