My weight doesn't fluctuate all that much anymore...

For context,this was my post on my previous account.

Early on,my weight throughout the day could fluctuate from 7-10 lbs. (Hence why I knew to always weigh myself first thing in the morning) However,now that I've gotten to 277 lbs,my weight doesn't seem to fluctuate as wildly anymore. The most my weight tends to climb up to is 281-282 lbs on an average day. Currently,my meal schedule isn't all that varied(my breakfast,lunch,and dinner are all the same)for simplicity.

I guess this means my body just doesn't retain water as much as it used to early on now that I'm at a significantly lower weight than I used to be? Would my weight be fluctuating more if I were eating more varied meals? (even if they all result in the same calories consumed per day..)

submitted by /u/JohnnyEnglishPegasus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
My weight doesn't fluctuate all that much anymore... My weight doesn't fluctuate all that much anymore... Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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