My Weight Loss Theory

It’s pretty simple and I’ll keep this short just because.

Foundational Principles:

  1. Enjoyment. Enjoy everything.

1) Will Power is a myth. We cannot successfully exert willpower over our desires. Instead we can use cognitive control to bring about the conditions for our desired outcome

2) Body signals. Our body tell us what we need and do not need in each moment. It naturally wants what we need and does not want what we don’t need.

3) Reward Value. The enjoyment our brains anticipating get from something, also called “reward value”, is calibrated not very frequently. Thus many things have an artificially high reward value. To recalibrate reward value, the key is to eat something very consciously. Soak up everything about it and taste it very carefully. Feel it in the mouth very deliberately.

4) Awareness while eating. When food is used as self-medication for stress, the answer is to reduce the stress while not controlling eating. Do not control eating, as it will lead to more stress, but do eat with presence as in #3

5) Move. Does not have to be traditional “exercise” (only if you already do this and enjoy it). Think about your ambient movement “nutrients”. We spend every second of our life in a physical activity. Increase variety of movement. Walk on all 4s. Squat. Sleep on the ground. Climb. Hang. Twist. Imagine your feet are your leg hands. Do things backwards, with your non-dominant hand, etc. Walking is possibly the best exercise out there.

Feel into your body and ask “what would feel good right now?” When we sit a lot our spine compresses and we often start to feel like crap.

6) Safety. The more we come into our body, the more we can get accurate information about what we need in each moment. The less we need to numb out. The more we can enjoy life. Making sure we have safe secure attachment with at least 1 person (may need to be a therapist, esp if we have never had the groundwork laid for us during our development). Also receiving somatic work to help release frozen areas in our bodies from stored overwhelm (trauma) responses.

That is it! I can link my sources in a comment if anyone cares.

submitted by /u/sadlouser
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
My Weight Loss Theory My Weight Loss Theory Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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