Has anyone reached their goals and been able to sustain it?

I am your quintessential yo-yo dieter. Like several celebrities, I have been at both ends of the spectrum, more overweight than thin, but I have been thin.

I have done running, weightlifting, tracking calories, crash diets, paleo, you name it I have done it.

I always gain the weight back because what I did before was never sustainable for me. So I can either

a) accept the body I am in along with the high cholesterol and getting winded going up the stairs


b) Maintain healthy, long term habits that culminate in a healthier body, with a better fitness level and a trimmer body with muscle tone (I'm not worried about the # on the scale so much as muscle mass, I need to build more. As we get older, it becomes more important.) Working out has never been bad for me...it is the FOOD. I love it too much.

Obviously this entails some sort of tracking to make sure I'm going in a good direction, but I know that by eating more vegetables, less fried food, moving more, this will already help a great deal.

I've counted calories and while it opened my eyes to how many calories I was truly eating, I dont want to do it long term. I have an idea of what to eat to lose weight since I've done it successfully before and I'm ready for this to not be temporary this time. Counting calories will only make me fall off the wagon. I need long term permanent habits. No more binge eating a bag of chocolate when I'm stressed out. etc.

submitted by /u/RosyStunner10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/37Jos1R
Has anyone reached their goals and been able to sustain it? Has anyone reached their goals and been able to sustain it? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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