Weight loss’ effect on Period/PMS?

Normally a lurker, but am currently going through the “time of the month” cravings, soreness etc. I wanted to know if any of you guys experienced/experience semi-drastic changes in your cycles with major weightloss? I’ve noticed that as I’ve been losing weight my PMS symptoms start up to 2 weeks in advance (sore breasts :(… and now a few days before sore lower back) I definitely cramp more now during my actual period. Where as before my periods were super irregular and I rarely had any PMS symptoms.

For background i’m 5’6, 22 y/o and down almost 50lbs since January with the bulk of that being between April till now.

submitted by /u/kyungstew
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Weight loss’ effect on Period/PMS? Weight loss’ effect on Period/PMS? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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