Having trouble finding the right weight goal

I'm a 5.7" tall male in my mid twenties, I went from 365 to 184 pounds in 2 years just with dieting (and I don't plan to switch over to working out any time soon), and I'm nearing the end of my weight loss journey, however, I'm having some problems finding the right weight goal. I'm not exactly the kind of person who cares a lot about their looks, that's why I originally got myself into the situation I was in to begin with, and that's exactly why I never planned to set my target based on the changes I see in the mirror, not to mention, the image I have of my body is distorted because of the change I went through. I was originally planning to go for 170 pounds, but I noticed that I lost weight unevenly, and in some places I am already extremely thin, and in others I can't decide if it's the fat I have left or the excess skin that I find undesirable. I'm thinking the excess skin I have could weight enough to make it impractical to rely on the BMI for deciding what would be a healthy target for me. Is that possible, or should I just go for my original goal?

submitted by /u/Throwaawayrandom12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3mAxztV
Having trouble finding the right weight goal Having trouble finding the right weight goal Reviewed by Health And Fitness on November 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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