On a 5 week plan. Tired of feeling depressed.


I'm 31, a guy, and now on a 5 week lose weight plan. I started yesterday, and for the first time in a long time I woke up feeling GOOD. I'm around 90kg. I plan to continue for another 5 weeks after that and make it more of a continuous lifestyle, but giving myself 5 weeks from now as a milestone goal.

I am walking a lot every day. I have a pedometer app to roughly give me an idea of how many calories I've burned. Each day I plan on burning 1000+ calories which I have achieved again today.

I am keeping my meals at 1500 calories. I am not weighing myself / keeping a record of my weight. I just want to keep at it until I'm happy with how I look.

I'm tired of coming to the times of year of having to visit family and just feeling like crap because of being overweight etc.

It's time to sit through the fire and get the results I want.

submitted by /u/PixelatedFoodie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pZeDHr
On a 5 week plan. Tired of feeling depressed. On a 5 week plan. Tired of feeling depressed. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on November 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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