Height: 188 cm Weight: 118 kg Goal: 100kg by EOY

My goal is to get to 100kg by the end of this year. START today. I will count my calories exactly in the time and come so to my goal. Probably the fewest will intressieren, but I must write it here purely to manifest it. It is not enough for me to be comfortable in my body anymore. I used to be quite self-confident, but I have been suffering from this weight for years. Well, the time has come to finally take this step seriously and motivate myself to do it. I love this reddit feed, it's inspiring to read about the experiences people share here. WISH ME GOOD LUCK!😃

submitted by /u/mila-nilo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/rFkmPA8
Height: 188 cm Weight: 118 kg Goal: 100kg by EOY Height: 188 cm Weight: 118 kg Goal: 100kg by EOY Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 22, 2022 Rating: 5

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