How to best help my Girlfriend

Hi everyone, I wanted to ask for some advice on how best to help my gf (28). Some history, around 4 years ago my girlfriend very tragically lost her brother (30) to a brain tumor, this of course was devastating, a year later she then lost her Nan to pancreatic cancer. Before all of this my gf was in a good place mentally and physically, she has experience some body issues earlier in life (before I knew her) where she had gain weight and then became obsessed with losing weight and became unhealthy. Understandable she suffered a depressive episode for quite sometime and used food as a comfort. Throughout those years she has begun to recover both her physical and mental health but she still appears to be struggling. It's usually linked to her body image (weight gain / clothes don't fit etc) and is often comes in a cycle, she will become frustrated, start to become more active / counting calories, this will last for around 2 to 4 weeks then either something will happen in life or the motivation will go. This will result in all the positive actions stopping even though she feels so much better and falling back into eating junk food, next to no exercise, putting off task etc. We talk about everything and this topic has come up countless time, I have made it clear that there are no limits on attempts in my mind and every time she wants to make a positive change I give 100% support, during these spells we go to the gym together, I tell her how proud of her I am and just generally encourage every way I can.

I am a self confessed fixer and always ask myself what I can do to help which is why I am here. I have never struggled with food and have been a regular gym goer since I was in my mid teens so I can find it difficult to relate but want to do better.

My questions are, what can I do to help more? also, i'm sure many of you can relate to failed attempts but what happened to cause lasting change, why was that attempt the one that stuck whilst the other failed.

Any advice would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/yogurtpot1990
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How to best help my Girlfriend How to best help my Girlfriend Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 23, 2022 Rating: 5

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