How to get started working out?

I need to lose weight. I’m not feeling good or looking good. Also realizing my size is having an impact on my mood. I feel really negative most of the time. All desire & motivation is totally gone. As much as I’m dreading physical activity, I’m more tired of how I’m currently living.

I have no access to or money to join a gym or home equipment right now. Also a little shy & nervous about working out in front of others. Walking is good but what else can I do for higher intensity workouts to target areas like arms & belly?

30 F
Current: 285
Small goal: 250
Big goal: 230

submitted by /u/Paigenacage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
How to get started working out? How to get started working out? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 23, 2022 Rating: 5

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