Hi, I'm the one that gained 80+ lbs by using the trendy version of intuitive eating. Here's an update.

Hi, guys! My last post got way more attention than I ever thought possible. 126k views and nearly 200 comments?! Insane! Thank you so much if you participated in that in any way! I honestly thought I may get like 10 upvotes and 1-2 comments, if I was lucky. I wrote it while feeling super intense negative emotions and I honestly felt so defeated. Getting so many people saying they understand, experienced something similar, and encouraged me made me so happy! Again, thank everyone who commented, sent me dms, and/or interacted in any way so, so much.

I'm writing this post to give a "Day 1" update, since a few people asked me for it in the comments and in my dms. I won't update every single day, but will do it regularly if people are interested!

I would consider today a success, honestly. I ate what I wanted, but I controlled the portions (I'd say I did eat 75-80% clean overall). I'm not counting calories still (might in the future), but I did find an app where you take pics of your food as you eat it, and that seemed to work well for me today. I didn't binge either. As for exercise, I started the Body Boss Ultimate Program (I linked to their official website, but you "definitely" would "not" be able to find a PDF copy of it on zlib...). It calls for doing body weight and HIIT exercises for 2 rounds, and I only did 1 due to being so unfit at the moment. I made sure to do the recommended 4 minute warm up cardio (did mine on the stationary bike), and the ~10 min cool down and warm up stretches. Afterwards, I foam rolled my legs for 2.5 minutes on each leg, then did "legs up the wall" yoga pose for 5 minutes, which wasn't part of the program, but I found that it helps me be less sore and is good for blood circulation, so I like to do it when I can.

I'm celebrating my win today because it's the first time in about 3 years that I've actually taken care of myself. It feels good, guys. It really does.

Sending lots of love and light to everyone who needs it! You've got this! x

submitted by /u/ZzzNapGirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/5CuOjUJ
Hi, I'm the one that gained 80+ lbs by using the trendy version of intuitive eating. Here's an update. Hi, I'm the one that gained 80+ lbs by using the trendy version of intuitive eating. Here's an update. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 23, 2022 Rating: 5

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