If you drink alcohol how hard does it hit you while on a good diet?

My food consists of eggs, peppers, and mushrooms in the morning. Grapes, blueberries,and banana mid morning. Chicken with carrots, asparagus, mushrooms, greenbeans, and onions. Maybe a little cottage cheese mid afternoon and my dinner is the same as lunch. I eat no bread. Maybe a slice of cheese every fre days

I work Industrial Construction in the southern heat so calorie intake isn't the question. I'm loosing fast. I just notice I get shitfaced on what used to not give me a buzz. I'm very well hydrated.

Many of you probably don't drink but if you do did you notice a difference?

submitted by /u/KnightScuba
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If you drink alcohol how hard does it hit you while on a good diet? If you drink alcohol how hard does it hit you while on a good diet? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 22, 2022 Rating: 5

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