Walking to mordor - Update 2, Arrived at Bree

Update from : https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/wprdds/walking_to_mordor_update_1/

Well. I got to Bree. The town is a bit of a shithole. It was placed on top of a hill so it feels all draughty, but hey. At least I'll get to sit my butt down and drink some beer here. I tried to get a room for the night at the Prancing Pony but it was closed due to some recent fracas. No biggie. Just going to refresh my food and water and then I'll set out on the next leg of my journey, the 169.6km distance towards Weathertop. I hear the view from there is killer.

Current weight: 256lbs (116.2kg). Distance traveled: 220.25km/2880km (7.6%)

See ya at the next stop! (Well, that is not going to happen. The Mods dont want my threads here, so this will be the last one).

submitted by /u/KristinnEs
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Walking to mordor - Update 2, Arrived at Bree Walking to mordor - Update 2, Arrived at Bree Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 24, 2022 Rating: 5

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