Weighing yourself often/every day

TW mention of weight/numbers

Hey everyone! So i am 26 (she/her) and I wanted to grab peoples opinions on weighing yourself frequently?

  • For context on my situation -

I have weighed myself maybe 3 times in the past 10 years and I remember each of those times and how I felt after very vividly. Last time I weighed myself was May of last year (2021) and it was the most I have every weighed by about 10kgs. During that time I was going through a lot of life stressors compared to where I am in life now, and I think gaining weight was a result of that. I dont know where my weight is in comparison to last time I weighed myself but I would say I’m probably still around that weight, maybe a little bit lighter because ive been getting back into exercising more consistently.

Although I know weight is just a number and it isn’t tied to my value as a human, it did feel a bit crap to have put on weight especially because between the ages of 20-23 I was super fit. Back then was the only time in my life I didn’t exercise as a way to change how i looked, I just loved the way it made me feel. Through high school and even primary school I always struggled with body image around my weight and that’s when I made the decision not to weigh myself because i figured it just made me feel bad. I had a really healthy relationship with exercise during those years and I think part of it was because weight loss wasn’t my goal after I had just visibly lost a tonne of weight following a bad break up. I didn’t even mind if I gained weight because I wanted to get stronger and feel proud of myself.

Now I’m in more of a position where I do accept myself, but I think I would feel more comfortable in myself if I lost some weight. I also miss the consistent routine and the feeling of commitment to myself I had in myself back then. I know exercising is amazing for your mental health first hand and I want to turn it back into more of a habit, but I would also like to use a weight loss goal as a way to hold myself accountable to exercising more. Problem is, I’m scared of it having the reverse effect and being very negative on my mental health. I also think that because I dont weigh myself very often, the number on the scale is super intimidating, scary and final to me. I’ve seen videos where people weigh themselves every day and it just shows how much your weight fluctuates and varies and it was really comforting tbh. I was thinking of trying that out as a way to desensitise myself to the scales and track the trends to help me with my weight loss goal.

So after that long explanation, my question is what is your opinion on weighing yourself frequently? I am open to all opinions from both sides. I particularly want to know from people who have a healthy relationship with weighing themselves frequently if anyones had that experience. Thanks in advance 😊

submitted by /u/HopefulAd3305
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/MPnHamp
Weighing yourself often/every day Weighing yourself often/every day Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 23, 2022 Rating: 5

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