Getting started

Hello everyone! I’m new to reddit and is loving all the support here. Keep going!

I was just going to lurk but I guess posting will help me stay more accountable 😂 I just hit my all time highest weight (324lbs) and is looking to start my weight loss journey as well. For me, my biggest struggle is my schedule. I feel like I’m always so busy. Many times, I don’t take a lunch until late in the day and then I’m scarfing down food. After a long day of work, I find it hard to stay motivated and work out and/or meal prep. I also tend to bring work home 😅Aside from my schedule, I really do love food and cooking/baking. I haven’t cooked much in a while but I love trying new cuisine and attempting dishes I like. This has also been one of my biggest struggles because I have no discipline when my favorite foods are in front of me. It’s hard to cook two separate meals too when the family is not dieting. Please share your recommendations on getting started. I’m planning on getting the myfitnesspal app.

submitted by /u/MMebu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Getting started Getting started Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 22, 2023 Rating: 5

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