What to expect after a Gastric Sleeve?

I am in the very very beginning stages of planning this procedure and i finally can qualify for it, but i did have some questions about it that hopefully others can answer from experience.

Overall, what was the speed at which you began to lose weight or when did it start to pick up post surgery?

Did you get any form of sagging/loose skin from your weight loss, and if so, does it return to normal or need to be removed? (Im still young if it helps, idk if that would improve my chances of it going back to normal).

What were the differences in your hunger from before and after you had the surgery?

What is the limit of what you were able to eat? Im not sure if it would be safer to start off with liquids like broth or soups compared to a solid like an apple.

Are there any words of advice or warnings you have regarding experiences post surgery? Im mainly worried about getting sick or not being able to lose weight easier.

submitted by /u/Flameman1234
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What to expect after a Gastric Sleeve? What to expect after a Gastric Sleeve? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 22, 2023 Rating: 5

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