How do you know whether you are actually hungry or just want to eat?

Hi all

I’ve been on my weight loss journey for about 5 months. Things have been going really well overall but lately I’ve been struggling to adjust based on my new activity rate.

I’m still following most of my previous workout routine (swimming, Zumba, yoga) but in the spring and summer, I do much more yard work from 1-6+ hours a day. The activities vary depending on what needs to be done but it’s mostly lots of pulling weeds, digging, and moving dirt.

So far, it feels like my Fitbit tends to overestimate the calories burned. I’m used to Fitbit tending to overestimate my Zumba and underestimating my swimming. With yard work though, I’m struggling to get a handle on how much I’m actually burning (and thus, how much I can reasonably eat back).

As I’m figuring out how much I’m really burning, I’ve done my best to assess whether my body is ACTUALLY hungry or if it just wants food to be comfortable. Although I’ve tried to increase my intake accordingly, I’ve found that I have been feeling much hungrier lately. I haven’t gained any weight but my weight has plateaued for the last few weeks.

Anyway. I was wondering how you folks determine whether you are truly hungry or just wanting to eat.

Any tricks or advice are appreciated.

Thanks :)

submitted by /u/TunaSquisher
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
How do you know whether you are actually hungry or just want to eat? How do you know whether you are actually hungry or just want to eat? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 22, 2023 Rating: 5

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