I want to be normal , don't know what to do .

I'm 22M . 184 cm height , 125 kg weight.

I've been obese since around i was 12-13 . That caused a lot of problems in my life - low self esteem , loneliness , anxiety and in the end depression .I just want to be normal for a first time in my life both mentally and physically

I've tried to lose weight a few times for past years , but always failed and got back to my old habits quickly.

I have general idea that to lose weight you need calorie deficit , with my larmaerets that would be around 2000 calories according to calculators.

My main problem seems to be deciding what to eat and how much and emotional overating to deal with the mental problems . Also another hard thing is that I'm not great at cooking. I come to the store wanting to buy something healthy, can't decide what and end up picking some junk food or ordering take out

One bad decision leads me into spiral of anxiety and self hate, that i end up in a very bad state and abandon weight loss idea all together

I have no idea how to proceed in life , if this goes like that either my weight or depression that comes from it will kill me .

Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/Skulkaa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/t0HwkaJ
I want to be normal , don't know what to do . I want to be normal , don't know what to do . Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 22, 2023 Rating: 5

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