Today is FINALLY my day one

Hi guys! I wanted to do my day one post and why I finally decided today is the day that I'm going to try to get slimmer. I'm an 18 year old girl that is starting at 240 pounds. For most of my life I've been bigger then most girls (by 40 pounds or so) and it always made me feel really disgusted with myself. But now I finally got upset enough seeing all these girls my age posting pictures in swimsuits or form fitted clothes and looking great while I've never had that feeling of confidence or body in general! No matter how much I wanted to do something to change, I can't ever seem to just get up and do it because well, I'm lazy and would rather lay in bed after going to school all day. I also dealt with a lot of mental issues that blinded me from everything I have been doing to myself but now I'm deciding after 4 years of telling myself to do it, I'M STARTING TODAY! :)

*Goal weight as on now - 200

*End goal weight - 140

submitted by /u/shanarena
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Today is FINALLY my day one Today is FINALLY my day one Reviewed by Health And Fitness on January 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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