Cutting out nightly alcohol consumption is definitely going to help with weight loss, right?

(I know that might be a dumb question.)

So, I am a 26 year old male and have been drinking beer very heavily for the past 4-6 years. Two days ago, I moved into a new space that isn't nearly as much of a drinking environment as previous places I've lived. So I wanted to take the opportunity to try to get sober.

It's probably a bad source of motivation, but one of the first things I thought of when I decided to try to stop drinking (at least on a nightly basis) is that I would probably lose weight.

I am currently 230 lbs at 5'10. The last time I drank was the night before I moved in (three days ago). Trying to get in as much as I could before I moved, the few nights before, I drank 14-15 Miller Lites (16 oz.). At a 128 calories a piece, that's 1792-1920 calories per night. Most nights before that it would be like 8-9 (1024-1152 cal.).

About an hour ago, I did a calorie count for today and I only consumed about 1200 calories. Besides the beer, I feel like that's somewhat common (1200-1600ish cal. a day), if I'm not going out with the girlfriend or something.

Other than that, I'm not very active, not very strict on what I eat, and never seriously tried diet or exercise.

Any feedback or advice would be helpful. I almost went out to get a 12-pack, but writing this kind of distracted me from going.

submitted by /u/Yogi_Bare
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Cutting out nightly alcohol consumption is definitely going to help with weight loss, right? Cutting out nightly alcohol consumption is definitely going to help with weight loss, right? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on March 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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