Can you smoke weed and still lose weight?

I smoke weed and can't seem to manage my portion sizes. Is it possible to even smoke weed and lose weight?

A little background info: I suffer from depression and the weed helps keep me from the low lows that used to keep me in bed all day. Now, I go to work, come home, walk my dog, make dinner, get high, watch a little TV, and play video games. I find it so hard to not graze in the evenings, even after eating a full dinner. I don't want to stop smoking but I also don't want to be 275 pounds. I am the fattest I have ever been (I should add that I am a 36 year old five-foot-seven woman).

I've done every diet out there, most recently keto. I know all the healthy things we are supposed to eat. I don't drink soda or juice. In fact, I don't drink my calories at all except for the odd drink every now and then. I don't have chips, cookies, or snacks in my house. I eat a vegetable at every meal. I try to balance my sugar intake with a little protein or fat. I make 70% of what I eat or drink from scratch.

But I just can't not eat in the evenings. I've tried drinking hot herbal tea with no sugar or cream, hot decaf lattes with no sugar, plain warm milk with no sugar, hot lemon and honey water, and having fruit for dessert and telling myself that the sweetness will tell my brain that eating is done for the day. But damn if I'm not back in the kitchen 20 minutes later rooting around for something to put in my gob.

So, have any of you successfully lost weight but still smoked weed?

submitted by /u/pacos_potato_taco
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Can you smoke weed and still lose weight? Can you smoke weed and still lose weight? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on March 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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