How much weight can I healthily lose in 12-14 days?

I'm F19, 5'6, 140lbs:

How much weight could I successfully (and healthily) lose in 12-14 days?

I'm planning on fasting (no breakfast, or water fast) and going on slow, low-impact and intensity walks during this period (so no intense workouts or diets).

I'll also be eating vegan meals, little salt and sugar, and drinking only water.

I've been 16 hour fasting for months (skipping the occasional few days if I'm feeling under the weather), and was just wondering how much weight I could lose during the 2 weeks if I followed the plan above.

Although I'm asking the question, I am aware that each individual person loses and gains weight to different degrees / at different speeds, but I figured I'd ask anyway, just to have a rough gauge - so hopefully that's ok!

Any advice or insight would be much appreciated, thanks. :)

(And if there's a level of problematic / ED vibe, be honest - coming from a toxic food family, I'm doing my best to stay on the healthy side of weight and my relationship with it.)

submitted by /u/pick-and-choose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
How much weight can I healthily lose in 12-14 days? How much weight can I healthily lose in 12-14 days? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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