Struggling with “gym anxiety” and general demotivation

Hi everyone,

I’ve been meal prepping for the past few weeks and want to start going back to the gym in order to really start making some progress, but something in me is just too scared to actually get in there and start working out, I think it’s just that I know that everyone else there is in far better shape and might judge me. I understand that this is not the case but for some reason I’m struggling to break that barrier down.

My other issue is that I struggle with sudden demotivation, I wake up with the best intention of going to the gym and all of a sudden the entire day just disappears.

Has anybody else had this issue? If so how did you overcome it? Thanks

submitted by /u/Holminhooo
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Struggling with “gym anxiety” and general demotivation Struggling with “gym anxiety” and general demotivation Reviewed by Health And Fitness on November 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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